Creative Ad Campaign for Logia on Social Media


Logia, the creative agency of the Group Axiom Unlimited, needed a fresh way to enhance its social media presence.

We aimed to blend Logia’s precise, geometric brand identity with engaging ad headlines inspired by pop culture. The goal was to create posts that were not only eye-catching but also showcased Logia’s innovative marketing and advertising services.


Logia Studios - Unlock Brand Misteries
Logia Studios Ad Campaign

Campaign Concept:

“Adventures in Pop Culture : Elevating Your Brand”

The “Adventures in Pop Culture” campaign featured ad headlines that combined pop culture references with puns. These headlines made the content relatable and fun while highlighting Logia’s creativity and precision.



  1. Increase engagement using popular culture and humor.

  2. Boost brand identity on social media with creative posts.

  3. Showcase Logia’s services in a memorable way.



  1. Visual Consistency: Every post adhered to Logia’s geometric design principles. The circle and cube motifs were subtly integrated, maintaining brand consistency while adding a playful touch.

  2. Engaging Content: Vibrant visuals and clever captions encouraged interaction, highlighting Logia’s marketing and advertising expertise.

  3. Pop Culture Integration: Each headline was a pun or reference to popular culture, making the content more engaging. Examples included:

  • “Open Happiness, Let’s Refresh Your Image” (Coca-Cola)

  • “Rice to the Top, Elevate Your Brand with Great Design” (Japanese Culture)

  • “The Great Ad-venture: Let’s Craft Epic Campaigns”

  • “Game of Brands, Let’s Win the Ad Throne” (Game of Thrones)

  • “Gondor’s Guardians, Protecting Your Brand’s Legacy” (LOTR)

  • “Elementary, My Dear Watson, Let’s Solve Your Brand Mysteries” (Sherlock Holmes)

  • “Journey to the Far Side of Creativity”


Adventures in Pop Culture” combined Logia’s precise brand identity with fun, engaging headlines inspired by pop culture. This campaign showcased their services and connected with their audience on a deeper level. It’s a testament to the power of blending humor, pop culture, and professional services to create impactful social media content.


At Logia, we know how crucial a strong visual identity is for your brand. It’s not just about having a nice logo or color scheme. It’s about creating a memorable first impression and keeping a consistent look across all platforms.

Trust us to make your visual identity a powerful tool that tells your brand’s story clearly and effectively. Let’s make your brand unforgettable together.


Make sure people remember your brand - Unveiling the Essence of a Great Visual Identity